Snapped a quick pic tonight kind of as an afterthought. I didn't really pay much attention when I got ready this morning, just grabbed comfy and warm pieces...but I walked by the full length mirror at the store just now and decided it was post-worthy. Nothing special, just a typical Laney winter outfit....although I did just realize I accessorized with mannequin clips still attached to my vest. Ha! The clips are what I use to fit clothing to the mannequins and I've been busy dressing them today and totally forgot they were still clipped to me! Typical.
Leggings, my trusty vintage boots, Target vest and socks, vintage flannel and jewelry.
Total cost of outfit: about $60
I can't believe its already the week of Christmas! I don't know where December must be with November somewhere because they both got away from me! Cramming all my Christmas preperation into this week, nothing like waiting to the last minute!
I might be cutting it a little close, but its still a wonderful and blessed time of year! I love Christmas :-)
Happy happy holidays!
xoxo - Laney Mae
I have this vest and I love it :)